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Comment Policy

I’m all about free speech, and I won’t censor your comments on unless you’re being abusive (that includes hateful slurs, threats, etc.), trolling or generally making this blog a crappy place to visit.

Absolutely nothing illegal may be posted in your comments. No copyright infringing material, no pornography, no child abuse, no gore or anything like that. Repeat offenders and anyone that makes me or my visitors feel uneasy, threatened or just plain gross will be blocked and reported to their ISP, and their IP will be sent on to authorities.

So, here’s the dealio. My blog, my rules, so it’s really up to my discretion if you’re comments are deleted, if you’re blocked, etc. Be nice, be constructive with your criticism, feel free to disagree but do so with respect. This isn’t Youtube, it’s a Faithocracy. 😉